ProfitView is an easy to use app that provides users with all the tools necessary for advanced trading automation like intelligent order placement, position and balance tracking, notifications and more – on a multitude of supported exchanges.
Triggered either internally or by setting fully customizable alerts on TradingView and utilizing ANY of the numerous available technical indicators or custom scripts on the platform.

ProfitView comes in the form of a Google Chrome extension that can easily be installed on a VPS for 24/7 usage, or if preferred on your local workstation to fulfill it's duty quietly in the background with the ability to send fully customizable notifications about all of it's actions via Email, Discord, Telegram, Text Message or IFTTT.

ProfitView now includes an interactive position monitor with quick action buttons to open, add to, close and flip positions via an easy to use order dialog with useful options like stop loss, take profit, yield etc. and a simple syntax builder. NEW!

ProfitView can be completely remote controlled via its built-in Telegram Bot now also supporting Channels & Groups! NEW!

Upcoming features include an interactive order/stop monitor, trailing and a neat dashboard giving you a quick overview of balance changes!

Supported Exchanges:

(Binance with Cross & Isolated Margin; Binance Futures with COIN, hedging, trailing & close orders; Bybit with USDT, trailing & full UTA 2.0 support)

Note: When you trade through brokers via our app or use our links to sign up with those brokers, we may receive a small commission through affiliate programs, at no additional cost to you!

Step 1: Download and install ProfitView

Step 2: Buy a ProfitView license to activate ProfitView PRO!
                  (click here to buy OCC or PV directly)
          OR:  Get a monthly ProfitView subscription!

Step 3: Set up your indicators and alerts on TradingView (eg. OCC)
                  (Note: you can use ANY indicator or even your own pine script)

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ProfitView 1.3.83: (25/3/2025)

- Updated to Manifest V3

ProfitView 1.3.82: (3/3/2025)

- Added support for Coinbase Advanced (beta!)
- Made all placeholder variables available to if/set/notify commands, eg. if=(res=5 and _myplot>100)
- Added barpos/bartime/slip placeholders and local variables with bar time/position and slippage info
- Added logvars command to list all currently available local variables to the log
- Fixed bug in alert editor sometimes duplicating '=' while typing parameters
- Gemini: Updated market data

ProfitView 1.3.81: (20/2/2025)

- Added user interface for inspecting, changing and deleting global variables (see Setup: Global Vars)
- Implemented support for global variables (automatically saved) that can be set, checked and used in the same way as local variables (prefixed with '$', eg. q=$risk*3%)
  Note: When not prefixing '$' explicitly, if a local variable of the given name is not found the global one will be used as fallback!
- Implemented if= syntax command to check custom/saved variables "live" via expression before running rest of a syntax command (eg. if=(_myplot > 3) abort)
  and corresponding else= conditional to skip commands or jump to a label when the if= expression evaluated to false or zero
- Implemented set/setvar/unset syntax commands to set custom variables "live" via expression while running (eg. set=_myplot:(close / 3))
  with syntax shorthands inc= (increment) / dec= (decrement) / mul= (multiply) / div= (divide) (eg. inc=_var or mul=_var:3)
- Implemented price ticker caching per exchange to reduce API calls and increase consistency for parallel orders (disabled by default, see General Options / Caching)
- Implemented support for querying all markets' closed PNL of an account via query=pnl sym=* (currently Bybit only!)
- Improved handling of "not" in placeholder or new if= command expressions (eg. [if not _myplot < close and not id=foo])
- Added general slippage info to log when maxslip option is used but not triggered (slippage within limits)
- Fixed Telegram Bot sometimes only delivering partial information back when the reply was over 4KB in length
- Fixed "from undefined" error in Telegram Bot when sending an edited message to the bot
- Fixed query closed PnL command calculating wrong relative position PnL for shorts
- Fixed warnings in alert editor for some valid saved order data (lastxxx)
- Fixed error on balance info export caused by removed exchange support
- Bybit: Removed support for retired v3 API and renamed Bybit v5 to Bybit
- Gemini: Updated market data

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